Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nothing is for Fun

When I train, I train seriously. Otherwise it's a waste of time & may even be detrimental to health. A run is never supposed to be fun. Fun Runs are an Oximoron.
We get up, sweat, strain our joints/ muscles, welcome free radicals into our system when we exercise. It's an irony that what makes us stronger, makes us weaker at the same time. It's all about the net effect. I only train at 2 speeds: so slow snails yawn or so fast my eyes bleed. The rest feel good in no-man's land, the middle speed, where it's too fast to go long to train endurance or too slow for any race-pace training. Going all out in mediocre speed is false security. When I join a race, it's competition. To kill the opposition. But to do that, training & arsenal are important.

Don't just do it, do it right.
Don't waste my time. I don't run fun runs.

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