Saturday, October 20, 2007

Losers All P1

Many things irritate & now some of my blogs will detail my take on these bothers.
However, if you should take offence to the contents or feel that it strikes an uncanny resemblance to you or your life, then no coincidence was intended. It's just my opinion in general, nothing personal.

Sports rims are nice on cars, they are meant to accentuate the beauty of the vehicle. What sticks out like a sore thumb are such vehicle assessories with the IQ of a potato. Oh no, potatoes has eyes & these drivers do not. Flashing sports rims are sleek & they also bare the muscularly beautiful disc brakes. Nothing looks dorkier than drum brakes in their full glory. Please! Visible drum brakes belong to farm vehicles. They are the genitals of a car, vulgar but necessary. Don;t upset the fashion police or your expensive sports rims, cover those drum brakes if not replace them with discs. (I'll post pics soon so you can get the picture)

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