Sunday, September 9, 2007

What should we speak?

In the land where the First Language, National Language and Mother Tongue are different, the residents are all confused on which to use correctly. With the presence of local dialects, the results is a mutated slang which people use to communicate, one which we call Singlish.

A hybrid of local languages, it sounds awful. All the 'lah', 'lee', 'leh','lohs', it's just cancer to my ears.
A pity that the vast majority of people speak & live by this form of communication. Even outcasting those who speak a purer form of a particular language. Please don't degradate a language, it's either one speaks good or bad language, nothing in between:
Acrolectal: This is the "highest-class" form of speech, used by the well-educated in formal situations.
Mesolectal: This is more "middle-class", and is used in formal and semi-formal situations.
Basilectal: This is the colloquial speech used by almost everyone, educated or not, in informal settings, and is the speech usually referred to as "Singlish".

A Singlish is not an official language, it's just a bad English/ Mandarin/ Malay & the whole shebang of other dialects.

Social power: the role of English
The dominant role of English, the development of an English-educated elite through educational programmes for the high flyers in the system has led to the development of a linguistically empowered group that wields both political power and social power. The failure to master English in the school system and the prevalent use of Singlish among some groups has led to a ‘neutered pidgin', variety. "Though Singlish is a charming patois, even mildly romantic, the political leaders are right to argue cold logic in that pidgin retards progress as it is a form of linguistic in-breeding".

There you have it, seems like the government read my post. Posted just 2 weeks later:
So, don't degrade yourself, ditch Singlish. Speak intelligently.

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